Sophia from Netherlands
Posted on 2017.06.01
Primault from France
Posted on 2017.06.01

vous nous avez permis de visiter et de d?couvrir une ville contrast?e entre modernisme et tradition.
Seuls nous n'aurions pas pu voir en 2 jours autant de choses car Toshi avait tr?s bien organis? le parcours. il nous a fait aller dans des restaurants typiques.
:The name of the guide is Toshihiro Miura.
Peter from Australia
Posted on 2017.06.01

The service is sensational. It really enabled us to make the most of our time in Tokyo and gave us the confidence to visit all corners. My wife really appreciated Fumi's work to locate and take us to. Temari Ball museum buried in the suburbs. I am not sure we would have managed that on our own. We are already recommending the service to our friends in Australia.
:The name of the guide is Fumihiro Mochimaru.
Begoña from Spain
Posted on 2017.06.01
Meg from Philippines
Posted on 2017.05.31
Alex from USA
Posted on 2017.05.31
Sandra from Spain
Posted on 2017.05.31

Antes de ir a Japón, ella ya se preocupaba y estaba pendientes de nosotros. Una vez allí, quedamos encantados con la visita. Pudimos mantener conversación en español, algo que resultó bastante cómodo.
Gracias a ella conocimos tradiciones, rincones, productos y alimentos que sólo un Japonéspuede enseñarte...
¡¡Gracias por todo Michiko!!
:The name of the guide is Michiko Yamawaki.
Elizabeth from USA
Posted on 2017.05.29

Ayako was friendly and kind. She took us to the Meji Shrine and was very knowledgeable about it. She also took us to an excellent Ramen restaurant and navigated the subway for us. She knows English very well and is a pleasure to know. She went out of her way to find activities that my family would like including coordinating a meeting with a local Girl Scout troop. I highly recommend her to future visitors. She gave us an insider's perspective which is what we wanted. Arigato!
TFG is a terrific service and Ayako is an excellent guide. I'm so glad I found TFG and met Ayako!
:The name of the guide is Ayako Sato.
Fernando from Mexico
Posted on 2017.05.29
Alona from Israel
Posted on 2017.05.29